Monday 16 July 2012

FileMaker Pro 12.0v2 Updater Out

FileMaker Inc has released the FileMaker Pro 12.0v2 updater for both FileMaker Pro 12 and FileMaker Advanced 12 for Mac OS X and Windows. The updater is recommended for all users of FileMaker Pro 12 and contains a host of bug fixes and improvements to the functionality of the software. The updater ranges from 300MB to 350MB in size and can be downloaded from the following location:
Here's a list of what's been updated in FileMaker Pro 12.0v2:

Layout design and rendering:
  • Addressed an issue where tooltips would not appear if there was a transparent object placed over the object containing the tooltip.
  • Addressed an issue where objects placed in the header or footer parts could be clipped when switching from Form View to List View.
  • Addressed an issue in List View where a field may draw in the wrong location if it was grouped with an object that resided in another part.
  • Improvements to copying and pasting of objects between different theme styles.
  • Improvements to scrolling.

Value lists:
  • Addressed an issue where the ValueListItems calculation function could not retrieve the values from a restricted access value list field in a hosted file, despite having "Run script with full access privileges" enabled.
  • Addressed an issue where value lists failed to show values when they were referenced from a related file located in a different folder on the host system.
  • Addressed an issue with value lists that display values with different regional format settings.
  • Addressed an issue where the application could crash when accessing a value list that is set to show values only from a second field, if the first field was empty.
  • Addressed an issue where a value list using a field from a file hosted on another server would show <File Missing> if it was formatted as a Pop-up menu.
  • Addressed an issue where a converted file with a value list set to show values only from the second field would show values from the first field as well.

  • Addressed an issue where an object failed to slide left if the object next to it had "Hide when printing" enabled.
  • Addressed an issue where sliding/shrinking settings were not applied correctly to vertical fields with repetitions.
  • Addressed an issue where, depending on the related record count, portal rows may appear empty in printouts when sliding is enabled.
  • Improvements to print, preview, and PDF generation.

  • Addressed an issue where it was possible for a script to execute on the wrong window.
  • Addressed an issue where the Speak script step failed if "Wait for speech completion before continuing" was deselected.
  • Addressed an issue where a Save Records as PDF script step set to run with full access privileges would show the contents of an access-restricted container field in the PDF output.
  • Addressed an issue where a Go to Object script step set to run with full access privileges would show the contents of an access-restricted container field upon switching tabs.
  • Addressed an issue where running a script trigger that scrolls the viewable area could make the wrong record active.

  • Addressed an issue where data copied from databases hosted on Citrix Server would fail to paste into databases not hosted on Citrix Server.

  • Addressed an issue where portal filtering failed with the "< >" operator.

  • OS X: Addressed an issue where the VoiceOver screen reader failed to read the contents of a drop-down list.
  • OS X: Addressed an issue where button labels could be read twice by VoiceOver in header and footer parts in Table View.
  • Windows: Addressed an issue where the application could crash when using screen reader software to read a drop- down list if it was not the first field on the layout.

  • OS X: Addressed an issue where an attachment would fail to appear in an email with Microsoft Outlook 2011 as the default mail client.

  • Addressed an issue where a newly created file could show the active menu set from an open remote file.

Interactive containers:
  • Addressed an issue where a file drag and drop was accepted in an interactive container set to disallow entry in Browse mode.

  • Addressed an issue where recovery could fail on very large databases if you chose the “Rebuild field indexes Later (as needed)” option.

Instant Web Publishing:
  • Addressed an issue in order to prevent using the Go to Layout script step to go to layouts that do not use the Classic theme. If this script step is part of a larger script, script execution will stop at this point. No error dialog will appear, but an error log entry will be generated.
  • Addressed an issue where the Insert From URL script step may not return content from the URL to interactive container fields.

  • Improvements to retrieving record count when querying with "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table_name>"

  • Added the ability to identify a "Windows OLE object" via calculation, such as GetAsText.
  • Added the ability to copy the chart preview in the Chart Setup dialog box.
  • Added a "Theme name" value to each layout section of the XML Database Design Report.

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